Category: Medicine, Health & Beauty -> Herbs & Natural Remedies
Country: All countries
 We are one of the leading manufacturing and marketing Company of Aloe vera products, such as Aloe vera gel, aloe vera concentration, Aloe vera hair oil, Aloe vera shampoo, Aloe vera facial cream, Aloe vera faireness oil, Aloe vera toilet soaps 3varieties and Aloe vera soft drinks in 4 different flavours. Our products are Indian Government FPO Certified. Our plant is located in a hill side slope area in the middle of the 5000 acres cultivated Alovera field. So the process is done immediately after[...] Details...  Zioła PhytoChi - harmonizujący i tonizujący preparat ziołowy.
Rdest wielokwiatowy (korzeń)
Właściwości: oczyszczające, antyoksydacyjne, antybakteryjne, ochrona wątroby, środek wzmacniający (krew, wątroba i nerki), stymuluje układ odpornościowy, przeciwdziała miażdżycy tętnic, właściwości hipolipemiczne, antywirusowe, antymutagenne.
Najczęstsze zastosowania: zawroty głowy, szum w uszach, bezsenność, przedwczesne siwienie, wypadanie włosów, zdrętwienie kończyn,[...] Details...  Super fat burning bomb is 100% natural and effective.
This product is made of high-active genes for burning fat (Burning Fatty Gene), extracted from Basehr Nuts and Fructus Canarli, called "Bomb for burning fat" In Europe and America, with the help of advanced scientific low-temperature extraction technology.
Thanks to the original composition based on the L-CARNITIN (decreases appetite, improves the process of metabolism, very well, along with exercise), Fructus Euodiae, chastuha-plantain,[...] Details...  It has relieves sickness and stabilize affright, make the blood circulate well and stop pain, own the digestion bowel movement and the disintoxicating effect. Fresh seedling result in spreads scratches, May treat the nettle rash. Pound the fresh grass then the juice can cure bite of viper.
Package: cardboard drums, with double aseptic food poly bags inside. Or by cartons, with vacual aseptic food poly bags inside, 20kgs per carton with 8 bags inside,2.5kg per bag.[...] Details...  do suplementów diety, kosmetyków, farmacji[...] Details...  Fucoxanthin is a type of carotenoid found naturally in edible brown seaweed such as wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) , hijiki (Hijikia fusiformis), marine phytoplankton, hydrophily testacean animals and a little mount in red seaweed and green seaweed.
Fucoxanthin is also available as a nutritional supplement in capsule form and can be found in some health food stores and online.It has the effect for weight loss. So far, only animal studies have been done.it has also been found in animal studies to decrease[...] Details...  1)Gynostemma pentaphyllum P.E
Latin name Gynostemma Pentaphyllum P.E.
Active Ingredient Gypenosides
Part used Whole Herb
Apperarance White fine powder
Product Content Gypenosides≥98%
Test Mothed UV
Product Origin Gynostemma pentaphllum (Thunb.)Mak.
Action and Uses
The action of gypenosides (GP, saponins of Gynostemma pentaphyllum, a Chinese medicinal herb) as an antioxidant was studied using various models of oxidant stress in phagocytes, liver microsomes and vascular endothelial cells.[...] Details...  100% Natural and Pure Shea butter, has been proven to have therapeutic benefits and is used especially for the treatment of dry, sensitive, aging and damaged skin.
It can be used to eliminate skin conditions such as
Stretch marks
Frost bite
Skin damage
Flaking skin
Cracked heels
Chapped lips and many more dry and damaged skin conditions
Pure Shea butter is raw and unrefined. It has no chemicals, preservative,[...] Details...  WITCH HAZEL ANTI WRINKLE CREAM (25Gms)
With Extracts of Calendula (Marigold) & Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
Witch Hazel Herbal creams are formulated from pure herbal ingredients which helps to Prevent & treat wrinkles, sun burns, capillary bleeding, acne, bluish chilblains, crow’s feet, spots, blotches, etc.[...] Details...  Chemical purity: 99%, 98%, 97%, 95%.
From 2003, we are always exporting natural abstracts at both good price and quality.
(Camptothecin derivatives: like 10-hydroxycamptothecin, 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin, Irinotecan & Topotecan).[...] Details...